
Win a video or a photo contest online and get paid!

Are you a competitive person? Do you enjoy creating a video or taking artistic photos? What about combining those two? Think about entering a video contest or a photo contest! Video and photo competition is a niche nowadays and is more and more people participate with their best photos and videos in order to earn some cash.Online you can share, comment, rate photos, videos and also earn prize money by submitting your creative photos or videos to our international competition. You can view entries by contest, most recent, most favorite, most commented, or by best rating.Filming videos and shooting visually stunning photography can be entertaining. Now you can expand those activities since we provide a gathering place or a global battlefield where anyone can share their artistic creations in a feature filled online community. Taking photos is an easy task and any amateur can do it with ease considering the upgraded technology we use today. That is easy money you can win without much effort.You only need to sign up which is free, submit your best photo or video and members will vote their favorite. If you are lucky enough you can be a winner. Get to know your camera, read the instruction guide carefully and take your best shot so Blancpain Watches you can earn some cash.Ask your friends or family to join so you can take them on which can be great fun. You probably enjoy staying in front of your competition. There are several contests available online to choose from. You can choose for instance: The sweetest kiss, funniest video, the cutest baby, the most IWC Watches adorable pet and many others. Some of them do not require an entry fee; others require a two dollar entry fee and the prizes offered so far are around 150 dollars. As we grow we will add more contests with bigger prizes!You can submit most any format of video or photo simply by clicking the Upload Video link or Upload Photo link for photos. You can also embed videos from other websites using the Embed Video option. Once you complete the upload, then you must join a contest and choose the media you have uploaded if you want to compete.Any member of the site is allowed to vote. Each member can vote only once for the media they consider best. You can vote for up to five entries and Watches place them starting with first place and finishing with fifth Watches place. Normally the prize is divided five ways, TAG Heuer Watches the top five members will win a portion of Blancpain the prize money but check the rules since some contests can be different. If you are one of the winners you will be notified via email and your account will be instantly credited. After this you can withdraw your funds via your Paypal account and you will receive the payment in maximum seventy two hours. Usually the first place wins fifty percent of the total prize; the second place wins twenty five percent and so on. You should check once!

