
TVI Express revisited

This is my second review on this company. It's not really a review of the company but the people who are making the money and publishing the videos on how much money they are making. I must admit I am intrigued by this TVI Express business. I have attended a few of their opportunity video conference calls and I can't believe the hype that goes on. Lots of "Just get your two" and then help your people get their two. The guys that are conducting the calls are showing off how many times they have cycled off the express board and the money they have made. Some of the people on the video calls are really big time marketers with big time led lights lists! I have been on a few conferences online for TVI Express and not one of them actually covers how to recruit. They only say get your two. It's easy for them because they are already experienced in network marketing. TVI Express is a veteran network marketers dream!TVI Express should be called "JUST GET YOU TWO!"The guys that are making it big right now in TVI Express are working their own personal list of prospects that they have made over time.In online network marketing you must build your list. You must build it first! After you start building your list then you must build trust with your list. After this you can recommend a product. If you just tell a stranger about an opportunity they may not listen. If you tell a friend or family member they may listen because they know you but then may not return your phone calls or tell you "Is that a kind of pyramid scam?"Why not work a list of people who already know of Network Marketing and have entered into your own personal Opt-in list. These are the people you want to invite to your MLM opportunity… But don't sell them! Offer the info then move on to the next one. Remember that we are in the business of helping the people who want the help. This is how the top earners are making it big right now asSo what does this all have to do with TVI Express?NOTHING!If you want to make any kind of money in MLM or TVI you have to have a list of prospects. It does not matter how you get them. You just have to have them to be successful. The ones that are killing it in TVI Express are or have been successful in a pervious MLM business and have some sort of list. If you are new to TVI Express and to MLM then it will be difficult to reproduce the results that they are achieving. After you pitch all your family and friends then it will be time for you to get another way of attracting people to your business. Come Iphone 4s Dust proof Plug learn from the best and plug into the attraction system that your Up line will never tell you about (Because the do not know!) Use what the new breed of online network marketers are doing to explode there MLM business.

